Effectuate - определение. Что такое Effectuate
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Что (кто) такое Effectuate - определение

[?'f?kt??e?t, -tj?-]
¦ verb formal put into force or operation.
effectuation noun
v. a.
Accomplish, secure, achieve, effect, execute, carry out, bring to pass.
·vt To bring to pass; to Effect; to Achieve; to Accomplish; to Fulfill.
Примеры произношения для Effectuate
1. That's why that word is effectuate.
The Happiness Equation _ Neil Pasricha _ Talks at Google
2. took to effectuate this policy were really
The Citizen's Share - Putting Ownership Back into Democracy _ Joseph Blasi _ Talks at Google
3. to effectuate the control that we're given.
Privacy’s Blueprint _ Woodrow Hartzog _ Talks at Google
4. chose to effectuate the block for its subscribers
5. and effectuate all of these decisions, guess what?
The Happiness Equation _ Neil Pasricha _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для Effectuate
1. It is becoming clear now that the main barrier to effectuate Ethiopias democratic transition is the ruling party.
2. Defense Minister Amir Peretz argued that no one can complain about him; the source of the screw–up was in the previous leadership and in the military‘s failure to effectuate its own optimistic scenarios.
3. Because the Sudanese government thwarts the educational and occupational aspirations of Darfurian youth, it is impossible to gain the diplomatic education or experience necessary to effectuate a successful negotiating strategy.
4. They have aided and abetted the Chinese regime to prop up both of these pillars, propagating the message of the dictatorship unabated and supporting the secret police in a myriad of ways, including surveillance and invasion of privacy, in order to effectuate the massive crackdown on its citizens.
5. A federal law enforcement official, speaking on condition of anonymity because the probe is ongoing, said the suspects hoped it would inflict damage on the U.S. economy. They were about to go to a phase where they would attempt to surveil targets, establish a regimen of attack and acquire the resources necessary to effectuate the attacks,‘‘ Mershon said.